• 概要



Concrete injectors implement this interface. Injectors are configured with providers that associate dependencies of various types with injection tokens.


    abstract class Injector {


5 overloads

Retrieves an instance from the injector based on the provided token.

@paramoptionsInjectOptions & { optional?: false | undefined; }

Retrieves an instance from the injector based on the provided token.

@paramnotFoundValuenull | undefined
@returnsT | null

Retrieves an instance from the injector based on the provided token.

@paramnotFoundValueT | undefined
@paramoptionsInjectFlags | InjectOptions | undefined

Retrieves an instance from the injector based on the provided token.


use object-based flags (InjectOptions) instead.

@paramnotFoundValueT | undefined
@paramflagsInjectFlags | undefined

from v4.0.0 use ProviderToken





2 overloads

from v5 use the new signature Injector.create(options)

@paramparentInjector | undefined

Creates a new injector instance that provides one or more dependencies, according to a given type or types of StaticProvider.

@paramoptions{ providers: (any[] | TypeProvider | ValueProvider | ClassProvider | ConstructorProvider | ExistingProvider | FactoryProvider | StaticClassProvider)[]; parent?: Injector | undefined; name?: string | undefined; }

An object with the following properties:

  • providers: An array of providers of the StaticProvider type.
  • parent: (optional) A parent injector.
  • name: (optional) A developer-defined identifying name for the new injector.

Usage Notes

The following example creates a service injector instance.

class Square {          name = 'square';        }        const injector = Injector.create({providers: [{provide: Square, deps: []}]});        const shape: Square = injector.get(Square);        expect(shape.name).toEqual('square');        expect(shape instanceof Square).toBe(true);

Usage example

const injector: Injector = Injector.create({        providers: [{provide: 'validToken', useValue: 'Value'}],      });      expect(injector.get('validToken')).toEqual('Value');      expect(() => injector.get('invalidToken')).toThrowError();      expect(injector.get('invalidToken', 'notFound')).toEqual('notFound');

Injector returns itself when given Injector as a token:

const injector = Injector.create({providers: []});      expect(injector.get(Injector)).toBe(injector);
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