• 概要



Base class that provides change detection functionality. A change-detection tree collects all views that are to be checked for changes. Use the methods to add and remove views from the tree, initiate change-detection, and explicitly mark views as dirty, meaning that they have changed and need to be re-rendered.

    abstract class ChangeDetectorRef {}



When a view uses the ChangeDetectionStrategy#OnPush (checkOnce) change detection strategy, explicitly marks the view as changed so that it can be checked again.

Components are normally marked as dirty (in need of rerendering) when inputs have changed or events have fired in the view. Call this method to ensure that a component is checked even if these triggers have not occurred.




Detaches this view from the change-detection tree. A detached view is not checked until it is reattached. Use in combination with detectChanges() to implement local change detection checks.

Detached views are not checked during change detection runs until they are re-attached, even if they are marked as dirty.




Checks this view and its children. Use in combination with ChangeDetectorRef#detach to implement local change detection checks.




Checks the change detector and its children, and throws if any changes are detected.

Use in development mode to verify that running change detection doesn't introduce other changes. Calling it in production mode is a noop.


This is a test-only API that does not have a place in production interface. checkNoChanges is already part of an ApplicationRef tick when the app is running in dev mode. For more granular checkNoChanges validation, use ComponentFixture.




Re-attaches the previously detached view to the change detection tree. Views are attached to the tree by default.

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