
Workspace npm dependencies

The Angular Framework, Angular CLI, and components used by Angular applications are packaged as npm packages and distributed using the npm registry.

You can download and install these npm packages by using the npm CLI client. By default, Angular CLI uses the npm client.

HELPFUL: See Local Environment Setup for information about the required versions and installation of Node.js and npm.

If you already have projects running on your machine that use other versions of Node.js and npm, consider using nvm to manage the multiple versions of Node.js and npm.


npm installs the packages identified in a package.json file.

The CLI command ng new creates a package.json file when it creates the new workspace. This package.json is used by all projects in the workspace, including the initial application project that is created by the CLI when it creates the workspace. Libraries created with ng generate library will include their own package.json file.

Initially, this package.json includes a starter set of packages, some of which are required by Angular and others that support common application scenarios. You add packages to package.json as your application evolves.

Default Dependencies

The following Angular packages are included as dependencies in the default package.json file for a new Angular workspace. For a complete list of Angular packages, see the API reference.

Package name Details
@angular/animations Angular's animations library makes it easy to define and apply animation effects such as page and list transitions. For more information, see the Animations guide.
@angular/common The commonly-needed services, pipes, and directives provided by the Angular team.
@angular/compiler Angular's template compiler. It understands Angular templates and can convert them to code that makes the application run.
@angular/compiler-cli Angular's compiler which is invoked by the Angular CLI's ng build and ng serve commands. It processes Angular templates with @angular/compiler inside a standard TypeScript compilation.
@angular/core Critical runtime parts of the framework that are needed by every application. Includes all metadata decorators such as @Component, dependency injection, and component lifecycle hooks.
@angular/forms Support for both template-driven and reactive forms. See Introduction to forms.
@angular/platform-browser Everything DOM and browser related, especially the pieces that help render into the DOM.
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic Includes providers and methods to compile and run the application on the client using the JIT compiler.
@angular/router The router module navigates among your application pages when the browser URL changes. For more information, see Routing and Navigation.
@angular/cli Contains the Angular CLI binary for running ng commands.
@angular-devkit/build-angular Contains default CLI builders for bundling, testing, and serving Angular applications and libraries.
rxjs A library for reactive programming using Observables.
zone.js Angular relies on `zone.js`` to run Angular's change detection processes when native JavaScript operations raise events.
typescript The TypeScript compiler, language server, and built-in type definitions.