• 概要



Token that can be used to provide options for ServiceWorkerModule outside of ServiceWorkerModule.register().

    abstract class SwRegistrationOptions {}


boolean | undefined

Whether the ServiceWorker will be registered and the related services (such as SwPush and SwUpdate) will attempt to communicate and interact with it.

Default: true


string | undefined

A URL that defines the ServiceWorker's registration scope; that is, what range of URLs it can control. It will be used when calling ServiceWorkerContainer#register().


string | (() => Observable<unknown>) | undefined

Defines the ServiceWorker registration strategy, which determines when it will be registered with the browser.

The default behavior of registering once the application stabilizes (i.e. as soon as there are no pending micro- and macro-tasks) is designed to register the ServiceWorker as soon as possible but without affecting the application's first time load.

Still, there might be cases where you want more control over when the ServiceWorker is registered (for example, there might be a long-running timeout or polling interval, preventing the app from stabilizing). The available option are:

  • registerWhenStable:<timeout>: Register as soon as the application stabilizes (no pending micro-/macro-tasks) but no later than <timeout> milliseconds. If the app hasn't stabilized after <timeout> milliseconds (for example, due to a recurrent asynchronous task), the ServiceWorker will be registered anyway. If <timeout> is omitted, the ServiceWorker will only be registered once the app stabilizes.
  • registerImmediately: Register immediately.
  • registerWithDelay:<timeout>: Register with a delay of <timeout> milliseconds. For example, use registerWithDelay:5000 to register the ServiceWorker after 5 seconds. If <timeout> is omitted, is defaults to 0, which will register the ServiceWorker as soon as possible but still asynchronously, once all pending micro-tasks are completed.
  • An Observable factory function: A function that returns an Observable. The function will be used at runtime to obtain and subscribe to the Observable and the ServiceWorker will be registered as soon as the first value is emitted.

Default: 'registerWhenStable:30000'

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