• 概要



Represents the header configuration options for an HTTP request. Instances are immutable. Modifying methods return a cloned instance with the change. The original object is never changed.

    class HttpHeaders {}



Checks for existence of a given header.


The header name to check for existence.



string | null

Retrieves the first value of a given header.


The header name.

@returnsstring | null



Retrieves the names of the headers.



string[] | null

Retrieves a list of values for a given header.


The header name from which to retrieve values.

@returnsstring[] | null

Appends a new value to the existing set of values for a header and returns them in a clone of the original instance.


The header name for which to append the values.

@paramvaluestring | string[]

The value to append.


Sets or modifies a value for a given header in a clone of the original instance. If the header already exists, its value is replaced with the given value in the returned object.


The header name.

@paramvaluestring | string[]

The value or values to set or override for the given header.


Deletes values for a given header in a clone of the original instance.


The header name.

@paramvaluestring | string[] | undefined

The value or values to delete for the given header.

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